Introduction – Leonora Zefi

My name is Leonora Zefi and I live in Toronto. My background is in teaching/training and most of my career I have worked with adult learners. Currently I work at the Continuing Education Department at Ryerson University where I am involved in designing, teaching and evaluating blended and fully online courses that focus mainly on intercultural and workplace communication.

This is my ninth course and I am happy to share that the learning I have gathered through the MET program has been incredibly valuable for my daily work.

Through this course, I am hoping to enhance and formalize some of the informal knowledge I have acquired on commercial and institutional ventures related to learning technologies. I am very happy to see that there will be particular focus on launching and evaluating such ventures because this is very relevant for what I am doing at the moment. Judging by the assignment descriptions, it looks like we will be involved in “hands-on” activities that are always valuable for applying and retaining the learning. Also, being amongst a group of collaborative and innovative people will broaden my knowledge base and allow the opportunity for constructive comments and feedback to help refine ideas and preliminary plans.

In my spare time, I love to play volleyball and read (mostly fiction).

Looking forward to learning and working with you all.


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